single fathers and teenage daughters - OBGYN advice

single fathers and teenage daughters - OBGYN advice

First Time Gynecologist Visits: 5 Preparation Tips For All Women

by Tyler Woods

Your very first obstetrics and gynecology visit can be a little scary. After all, it's a new doctor with new procedures--and that in itself can be quite nerve-wracking. While you might be feeling a little anxious about your first appointment, it's nothing to be scared about. These doctors are professionals and are extremely kind. But if you are still feeling a little anxious, have no fear. These five preparation tips will help you handle your appointment with ease.

1. Jot Down Everything

Just like any regular doctor visit, you should write down anything and everything you want to discuss before your gynecologist appointment. You should also make a note of anything specific you might want to know about, such as hormones and weight gain. If you are interested in birth control, be sure to write down a few products that you are interested in as well. Take all of these notes with you to your appointment and make sure you remember to talk to your doctor about everything you've written down.

2. Be Open And Honest

It is vital that you are open and honest during your appointment. You will likely be asked many questions and you should always answer them truthfully. While you might feel embarrassed, you don't need to. Remember, your doctor isn't there to judge you. So be honest about everything, even if it is a little scary. Lying or leaving out information can make your diagnosis much more difficult. It can also affect whether or not you get the tests that you need. So always tell the truth, no matter what.

3. Focus On Relaxation 

Relaxing is easier said than done, but try your best to remain calm. Focus on music, your breathing, or whatever you can that calms you. While it is a little scary, especially if it is your first visit, it isn't anything you can't handle. If you are still very nervous, let your doctor know. They can help by offering words of encouragement for you.

If you are scared about a specific test or procedure, let your doctor know. They can always reschedule it and let you know exactly what to expect so that you walk into the office with a little more confidence.

4. Avoid Sexual Activity Before Appointments

It is important that you avoid sexual activities before your appointment. Having sex before your appointment can skew your test results. It can also make the appointment a little messier. So skip sex the morning before your appointment—and perhaps the night before, as well.

5. Don't Feel Like You Have to Primp

If you don't normally shave your vaginal area, don't feel like you need to do so because of your appointment. Shaving is a purely personal choice and doesn't have any particular health benefit, so your doctor won't be concerned.

Obstetrics and gynecology are very patient-friendly professions and the doctors are generally concerned with your well-being and comfort. While the first visit can be intimidating, take some time to get to know your doctor, and use these tips. That will make your visit easier and more rewarding from the start.


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single fathers and teenage daughters - OBGYN advice

Do you know when your daughter needs to be introduced to the OBGYN? Discussions such as this can be difficult for both parent and daughter, but it can be ever so more difficult for the single father. A single father raising a teenage daughter comes with many complications. Teenage girls can be a little less likely to discuss woman problems with their father, so they need to have someone that they can talk freely with. My website is full if advice to help single fathers get through these difficult discussions with their teenage daughters and find an OBGYN that their daughters are comfortable with.
